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CNR (Project Coordinator)

National Research Council (ITALY)

Alessandra Pugnetti

Mariangela Ravaioli

Paola Focaccia, Mauro Bastianini, Tomas Kliment, Elisa Camatti
Roberto Bertoni, Manuela Coci
Giorgio Matteucci, Marco Bascietto
Paola Carrara, Alessandro Oggioni

The Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (National Research Council) is the major Italian public research institution. It is organized in eleven Departments and it includes more than 100 research institutes. The “Earth and Environment” Department is directly involved in the present project, with four research institutes: the Istituto di Scienze Marine (ISMAR, Institute of Marine Science), the Istituto di Biologia Agro-ambientale e Forestale (IBAF, Institute of Agro-environmental and Forest Biology), the Istituto per lo Studio degli Ecosistemi (ISE, Institute of Ecosystem Study) and the Istituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell'Ambiente (IREA - Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of Environment). For CNR-ISMAR both the Venezia and Bologna centres operated the project proposal. CNR-ISMAR (Venezia) acts as coordinating beneficiary of the overall project.

CNR-ISMAR carries out basic and applied researches in the field of marine ecology and geology. It has a strong interdisclipinary organization, with research activities that regard biological oceanography (plankton and benthos ecology, genetics, fisheries and aquaculture), marine biogeochemistry and physical oceanography (currents, air-sea interaction, climate change). It participates to the EnvEurope project with some sites belonging to the LTER-Italy and LTER Europe networks: Gulf of Venice, Lagoon of Venice, Po Delta and Romagna Coast.

The research at IBAF is carried out within the frame of scientific projects funded by CNR, or other National and International sponsors. Within these scientific researches the following topics are developed: Structure and functioning of terrestrial ecosystems, Phytoremediation, bioremediation and mitigation of global change,  Ecophysiology of the intra- and inter-specific competition and population dynamics in natural and cultivated plant communities, Poly-specific models and systems in agriculture and agroforestry, Genetic conservation of plants and fungi of interest in agriculture and forestry, Biogeochemical cycles and exchange dynamics among biosphere, atmosphere and ocean

The CNR-ISE, Institute of Ecosystem Study performs research into the structure and functioning of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, focusing in particular on anthropogenic pressure and global change. The knowledge amassed forms the scientific basis for identifying the most appropriate protective and corrective interventions, and provides support for the bodies entrusted with formulating policies for environmental protection and recovery. It participates to the Enveurope project with the Sites Southern-Alpine lakes belonging to the LTER-Italy, LTER Europe network. The sub-alpine lake site includes: Lake Maggiore, Lake Candia, Lake Orta.

The IREA activities meet the needs of scientific and technological development in the fields of remote sensing and electro-magnetic monitoring of environment aimed at its management, security and risk assessment, including that from exposure to electromagnetic fields. The activities are focused on the study of methodologies and technologies for acquisition, processing, fusion and interpretation of images and data obtained by electromagnetic sensors operating on satellites, aircraft and in situ, and for dissemination of  the extracted information. All activities are framed within outstanding international initiatives, such as the European Directive INSPIRE, GMES Programme of the European Commission, GEO-GEOSS, OGC  and the Digital Earth.

All institutes are involved in long-term ecological researches and monitoring in Italy and they participate to the Italian long-term ecological network (LTER-Italy). In 2006, LTER-Italy entered the International Long Term Ecological Research Network (ILTER); in 2007, the national Network was admitted as a member of the European LTER Network (LTER-Europe). Nowadays, LTER-Italy Coordination and Secretariat is managed under the responsibility of CNR.

External assistance

They manage respectively 4 LTER sites included in the EnvEurope project: Gulf of Trieste (OGS), Gulf of Naples (SZN), Lentic Environment Apennines (UNIPM) and Lake Sardinia Sites (UNISS)

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