ACTION 1 - Deliverable of the activity 1.1.4
This document provides a list of the metadata elements necessary for the description of resources collected within the LTER-Europe domain (European Long-Term Ecosystem Research Network) on the dataset level.
ACTION 1 - Deliverable of the activity 1.4.4
This document describes the formats and flows for the collection of real data from monitoring and observation used in the analysis actions of the project. The report reflects the current status and an outlook on the planned improvements of the data management system.
ACTION 2 - The interactive web tool ECOPAR v01 is released (4 Nov 2013): LINK to ECOPAR
ECOPAR is based on a database of indicators, parameters and corresponding methods
for ecosystem monitoring and research. This database has been compiled within the Life+ project EnvEurope and support from the LTER-Europe community and is based on the conceptual framework of Ecological Integrity. This framework enables the assignment of parameters to structures and processes of ecosystems.
The ECOPAR database covers the main types of ecosystems: terrestrial, rivers, lakes and marine environments.
It is aiming at harmonization of measurements especially in Long Term Ecosystem Research (LTER). However,
it provides parameter recommendations for any kind of ecosystem research.
ECOPAR is interactive, meaning that you are invited to comment and add information according to your
expertise in the comment fields.
ACTION 2 - Deliverables I and II of the activity 2.1.2 (Revised manuals of pre‐existing manuals and Manual with new harmonized methods)
ACTION 2 - Deliverable of the activity 2.2.2
Overview of current actions with regard to environmental indicators, compare them with the monitoring activities at the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) sites and to deliver a concept on how to integrate available LTER data and fill the gaps within a general indicator framework.
ACTION 3 - Deliverable of the activities 3.1.2 and 3.1.3
This document describes the selection process of variables for long term data analysis based on existing datasets at LTER/LTSER sites.
ACTION 4 - Deliverable of the activity 4.4.2
Exploratory gap analysis of EnvEurope and of LTER-Europe sites; Review of potential users and requirements for the LTER network; GMES, potential use of LTER sites for ground truth validation of environmental data from remote sensing.
ACTION 5 - Deliverable of the activity 5.5.2 (Year 2011)
Action 5 represents the experimental phase of the project, based on the sampling in the field of the new and pre-existing parameters and indicators at different level/scales of investigation, at EnvEurope sites, with specific monitoring intensities and with methods adjusted to the respective intensity of survey. This report summarize of the activities carried out in the field during the year 2011.
ACTION 5 - Deliverable of the activity 5.5.2 (Year 2012)
Action 5 represents the experimental phase of the project, based on the sampling in the field of the new and pre-existing parameters and indicators at different level/scales of investigation, at EnvEurope sites, with specific monitoring intensities and with methods adjusted to the respective intensity of survey. This report summarize of the activities carried out in the field during the year 2012.
ACTION 6 - Deliverable of the activity 6.4.3
The first version of the project Bulletin describing the state of the art and future planning of the actions in English language.
ACTION 6 - Deliverable of the activity 6.4.3
The official project leaflet in 11 languages (Bulgarian, English, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Spanish, Sweden).
ACTION 6 - Deliverable of the activity 6.4.3
The Bulletin summarizes the results for each action until January 2012.
ACTION 6 - Deliverable of the activity 6.4.3
The Bulletin summarizes the results for each action until June 2012.
ACTION 6 - Deliverable of the activity 6.4.3
The Bulletin is focused on Ecological Data Management activities.
ACTION 6 - Deliverable of the activity 6.4.3
The Bulletin is focused on Network Design activities.