Data Flow: from Space to Earth
Venice, Italy, 21 - 23 March, 2011
The EnvEurope project will participate to the International Conference "Data Flow: from Space to Earth" which will take place in Venice,Italy, from 21th to 23rd March 2011.
The Conference is organized by CORILA, Magistrate of the Waters of Venice and the Veneto Region, in collaboration with various research institutions and European bodies, including UNESCO, the European Space Agency (ESA), the network of European regions using space technologies (NEREUS), ISPRA, OGS, CNR and the IUAV University of Venice.
The event is sponsored by the Ministry of the Environment and the Municipality of Venice.
The Conference "Data Flow: from Space to Earth" was born from the need to promote further development and use of space applications: from Earth observation services and navigation systems for positioning, with particular consideration for GMES and GNSS programmes (EGNOS and GALILEO). In particular, the Conference addresses the issue of integration of data from satellite with geographic information systems and the interoperability of spatial data, in accordance with the INSPIRE directive.
The Congress, to be held in English, is structured around four sessions, each characterized by specific topics:
1. EU initiatives, directives and programs for integrated usage of geographical and satellite data
2. The role of EU regions and regional end users for exploitation of space data
3. Data interoperability, including space information: goals, successes and problems
4. Applications, themes and research - new concepts
For further details please click the following link
The ENVEUROPE project will participate to this Conference as co-organizer and will contribute with two presentations.
The first one, “GMES byogeophysical products validation with long-term ground-truth data from EnvEurope network of sites”, will be presented by Ricardo Díaz-Delgado (Remote Sensing & GIS Lab, Doñana Biological Station-CSIC) inside Session 1.
Te second one, “Accessing long term monitoring data as ground truth – contribution from Enveurope”, will be presented by Johannes Peterseil (Ecosystem Research, & Monitoring, Umweltbundesamt-UBA) inside Session 3.