12th EEF Congress 2011 - EnvEurope Session
Ávila, Spain, September 25-29, 2011
The EnvEurope project and the LTER-Europe network will participate to the 12th EEF Congress (European Ecological Federation-EEF, www.europeanecology.org), which will take place in Ávila, Spain, from 25th to 29th September 2011. The EEF Congress is hosted and organized by the Spanish Association for Terrestrial Ecology (AEET, www.aeet.org) in collaboration with the Portuguese Ecological Society (SPECO, http://speco.fc.ul.pt).
For further details please click the following link http://www.eefcongress2011.eu/
A specific SESSION of the Congress will be dedicated to EnvEurope Project and to the Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) themes.
The title of the Session will be:
"Sharing and harmonizing long-term ecosystem research and monitoring across Europe: contributions and experiences from the EnvEurope Life + project and the LTER-Europe network in 21 countries"
The main aim of this session is to discuss the importance and role of long-term ecosystem research and monitoring within a broader scientific community, with emphasis on the following questions:
- Biological and ecological diversity under the influence of both natural and human drivers and pressures
- Methods and tools for analysing driver, pressure, state, impact and response interrelations and adaptive management
Dr. Mark Frenzel
Dr. Mauro Bastianini
Dr. Michael Mirtl