International Conference "Biological Reactions of Forests to Climate Change and Air Pollution" - EnvEurope Session
Kaunas, Lithuania, May 18-26, 2012
The EnvEurope project will participate to the International Conference "Biological Reactions of Forests to Climate Change and Air Pollution" which will take place in Kaunas, Lithuania, from 18th to 26th May 2012.
The Conference, hosted at the Lithuanian University of Agriculture, now Aleksandras Stulginskis University - Faculty of Forestry and Ecology, is jointly organized by EnvEurope, IUFRO Research Group 7*01*000, North American Air Pollution Workshop, COST Action FP 0903 and ICP Integrated Monitoring Task Force Meeting.
For further details please click the following link
A specific SESSION of the Congress co-organized by the EnvEurope Project and ICP-IM will take place Tuesday, May 22 and will be dedicated to "Environmental Quality and Pressures Assessment under Global Changes" (see the conference agenda at the
During the Conference EnvEurope will be also involved in specific internal technical and plenary meetings with the EnvEurope project participants. Plenary presentations are now here downloadable.